It's Merlin (My dog) birthday so I decided to make a post about him.
I got merlin two years ago in 9th october. He was two months ago then, I'm sincere when I say I don't think buying dogs is the best chose but Merlin was special I'll tell you a little of about this story:
I lost a puppy called Harlequin months before getting him for a cruel illness, I saw him die slowly day by day and knowing I couldn't save him was killing me too, Me and my mom won't ever sleep because he was crying and the time and we were holding him tight trying to make him sleep and it comes to a point where the phenobarbital were not working anymore -- in three days we doubled the amount of it and the illness started taking down his digestory sistem. so he won't do his needies and his belly started to get swollen, so we called the vet again that night (he used to come over once per day or two even twince) and he said there was nothing we could do. and the illness was torturing him as much as it could so I sat down in my room that night and held him tight, told him how much I loved him and that he was my best friend but it was time to let him go and that I was sorry for not being able to save him.
The next morning the vet came and we let him rest in peace. But the hell didn't end to me -- I ran into the computer and deleted all his photos because I couldn't deal with seeing him, the house seemed empty, I had nightmares everynight and couldn't deal the idea of waking without him every morning, I lost weight, I would cry non stop and don't go anywhere.
So one day my mom decide she was getting me another puppy, she came homeewith a Cocker, Sunny was playful and a wreker but I loved him so much but he was not a house guy, as he grew he started to eat the forniture, steal the food and bark all day long, we didn't know what to do since taking him to diary rides was not pleasing him, neither did the space we had at home, so we decided together that for his own sake we should send him to my uncle's farm. But who said my heart would agree?
Days and days gone by and I was sad again so one day my mom called me and told me to go meet her in the mall, when I got there she was in front of petshop and she said let's take a look inside, when she asked what dogs they had they showed us Merlin, little puddle, all dirty, skinny, crying curled in a big cage, I asked the employer if I could hold him for a minute and he said "Well nobody is interested in this one he been there for two weeks and didn't stop crying" I insisted and he left me hold him, as I held him he layed his head in my chest like a baby and stopped crying, I felt like it was meant to be, so I asked my mom if we could have him, she said yes. we took him home and called the store vet to give him his shots...
After he took his shot he stoped eating, and playing and started diharea and vomiting -- a sleepless night, at 7 am I called the one vet that helped us all the way with Harlee and he gave us a few meds to buy until he could come back to town later that day -- 7 am where to buy meds? most where human meds so we tried to find a 24 hours farmacy around the neighrood since our car where broken, and my mom ran the whole place while I stayed home trying to keep my little pupy calm, she didn't take much to come back and we gave him everything plus teas and at 10 am he was eating again, then at the aftermoon he was playing again -- Thanks God.
Well since then he only got sick one more time (once again after his shots), he's such a playful boy, who loves to cuddle, loves showers, loves eating candies and human food, sleeps in my bed, is very jealous, don't like caties and loves to steal the scene.
In a side note, Most of you may already know that I love reading blogs and I recently found Bubby and Bean and when I started reading Melissa and Bubby's story I related to it, when I saw the way Melissa felt about Bubby and how she misses him I found myself some confort, because she loved him just like I love Merlin and Loved Harlee (and still do) and it made me stop and think that I'm 22 now and Merlin is getting older day by day and someday I'll have to let him go (I pray not to) but in case it happens I don't want to regret not enjoying every minute with him, so I dedicate this blog post in the loving memory of bubby, The beloved dog and friend of Melissa who with their story are showing people around the world how important love is and that you should never take a moment with your fur friend for granted.
Rest in Peace bubby and I hope you get to meet my Harlequin.
(I'll maybe someday [when I have enogh corage to cause I'm shy] ask Melissa if she can/ would like to, make a guest post on here and tell a little of her and bubby story, meanwhile take a read on her blog)
If You have a pet you love like your friend / baby love him as deep as you can. like there's no tomorrow.

Bubby photo credit: @BubbyAndBean
What a cute little pup! Happy birthday to him!